Remembering to exercise becomes much more challenging when you work from home. You might not have much area to work with if you can't get to a gym or sports centre. Even if you do not work in a physically demanding job, staying physically healthy and active is critical. Not only for your body but also for your mind! Physical exercise can lower stress, boost productivity, and give you more energy. With this in mind, we've compiled a list of exercises to help you keep your blood pumping even if you're working from home.

1. Burpees A total-body workout that improves strength and cardiovascular fitness. Squats, planks, and jumping are all included. It is demonstrated how to make a low-impact adjustment. 2. Jumping jacks Jumping in one position with synchronised leg and arm motions is a basic cardiovascular exercise. 3. Lunges Legs are the emphasis of this lower-body strength workout. One leg is ahead, with a bent knee and flat foot, and the other is behind. 4. Overhead Press A shoulder-targeting upper-body strength exercise that is usually done with resistance. Learn how to execute this exercise with objects you already have in your home. 5. Plank Lowering the body to the ground and pressing back up into a plank position with the arms is an upper-body and core strength exercise. 6. Push-Ups Lowering the body to the ground and pressing back up into a plank position with the arms is an upper-body and core strength exercise. 7. Squats Maintaining a raised chest, bending knees, dropping towards the floor with knees over ankles, and returning to standing is a lower-body strength exercise that mimics sitting on a chair.